

Press release December 22, 2021

Fourth Quarter 2021: Nowcast and Forecast of GDP for Baden-Württemberg - Zero Growth Remains for the Time Being (in German).

The economic recovery from the Corona crisis is receding further into the distance in Baden-Württemberg. According to the latest nowcast from the IAW and the University of Hohenheim, Baden-Württemberg's gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 0.3 percent in the fourth quarter of 2021 compared with the third quarter of 2021 after adjusting for prices and seasonal factors. The third quarter had already developed weaker than expected. According to the forecast for the two subsequent quarters, the weak development will continue into 2022. However, all current forecasts are still subject to considerable uncertainty due to the severe economic dislocations during the Corona pandemic, as the further forecast intervals show.

Press release September 29, 2021

Emerging from the Corona Crisis with Slower Growth - Nowcast and Forecast of GDP for Baden-Württemberg (in German).

According to current estimates, Baden-Württemberg's gross domestic product (GDP) will grow by 1.7 percent in the third quarter of 2021 compared with the second quarter of 2021, adjusted for price and seasonal effects. This means that the positive economic development of the second quarter has continued in the summer of 2021. According to the forecast for the two subsequent quarters, however, this development will weaken. Growth rates around zero are expected for the fall and winter of 2021/22. All these forecasts are subject to considerable uncertainty due to the severe economic dislocations during the Corona pandemic.


René Kalweit, Paul Setzepfand Auswertung des IAB-Betriebspanels Baden-Württemberg, IAW-Kurzbericht 1/2023

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Tobias König

Between collaboration and competition: co-located clusters of different industries in one region – the context of Tuttlingen’s medical engineering and metal processing industries
In: Regional Science Policy & Practice, 15(2), 288-325, April 2023.

René Kalweit, Maren Baumgärtner Eine empirische Analyse auf der Basis des IAB-Betriebspanels Baden-Württemberg, IAW-Kurzbericht 4/2022
