IAW Events and Seminars

A number of developments are putting public administration under pressure to transform. Demographic change and the already noticeable shortage of skilled labour is just one of these developments. The requirements for the digitalisation of administration represent another challenge. The increasing flood of information requires suitable knowledge management. Experience with the provision of digital services is increasingly changing the expectations of citizens and companies. Fiscal consolidation following the coronavirus pandemic means less financial leeway. The administration is also faced with the task of shortening lengthy procedures and approval processes. The administration is also confronted with the challenges of the increasing polarisation of society and the shift in social preferences.

Changing trade patterns in a turbulent world – a European perspective

Photo: Deutsche Bundesbank

Cecilia Malmström (former European commissioner for trade/Peterson Institute for International Economics)

June 29, 2023: IAW Lecture Event with Panel Discussion at the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart

Award of the Norbert Kloten Prize for Applied Economic Research 2023 to Mr. Matthias Wirth for his master thesis Climate Change Econometrics: Estimating a two-component energy balance model as a cointegrated VAR, which was supervised by Professor Dr. Joachim Grammig at the University of Tübingen.

Photo: Deutsche Bundesbank

Greeting: Dr. Patricia Staab, President of the Head Office of the Deutsche Bundesbank in Baden-Württemberg.
Laudatory speech: Professor Dr. Wilhelm Rall, Chairman of the Board of IAW e.V.


Multilateralism as a response to the challenges facing Europe and China.
Dr. Ludger Schuknecht, Vice President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Beijing, PR China

Photo: Deutsche Bundesbank

Panel Discussion
Dr. Ludger Schuknecht, Vice President of the AIIB, Beijing, PR China
Prof. Dr. Lisandra Flach, Director of the Ifo Center for International Economics / Professor of Economics at LMU Munich, Germany
Dr. Thomas Hueck, Chief Economist, Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany
Eric Schöller, Member of the Board of Management, Groz-Beckert KG, Albstadt
Moderation: Johannes Pennekamp, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Photo: Deutsche Bundesbank

The Tübingen-Hohenheim-Economics (THE) Association cordially invites you to this year’s THE (Christmas) Workshop combining a Young Researcher Workshop and a Mini Course. We plan to hold the event on campus, subject to the University’s Corona regulation.

Young Researcher Workshop: PhD students, post-docs, and assistant professors will present ongoing research from all areas of Economics, Econometrics, and Economic History and receive feedback from senior researchers. Presentation slots as well as poster sessions will be available. There will also be a Best Paper Award. We welcome submissions in the form of (preferably) papers or extended abstracts until August 28, 2022 via email to intecon@uni-hohenheim.de. Accepted papers will be assigned to a discussant (senior researcher). The Young Researcher Workshop is an integral part of the Doctoral Study Program Economics at the University of Hohenheim.

Mini Course: Michael Weber, Associate Professor of Finance, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business, will give a short course (3 units á 90min) on Using Survey Methods in Economics, covering the following topics: (i) The rise of subjective expectations and their elicitations, (ii) The determinants of subjective inflation expectations, and (iii) Linking subjective expectations to economic choices. We kindly ask for registration until August 28, 2022, via email to jung.benny+the@googlemail.com.

Each participant is expected to contribute 50 EUR towards expenses. In exceptional cases, the contribution can be waived (upon request).

The United States of Europe

©Thomas Arrive / Sciences Po

Professor Thierry Mayer, Professor for Economics from the Institut d'études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po)

The Deutsche Bundesbank, Head Office Stuttgart, and the Institute for Applied Economic Research e.V. at the University invite you to the 7th Bundesbank-IAW Lecture on European Economic Integration.