December 5, 2024: Networking meeting of the research program on nursing education and the nursing profession of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)
Transitions from nursing assistant to specialist training from a theoretical and empirical perspective (in German).
Marcel Reiner [IAW] together with Dr. Jochen Späth [IAW] and Jan Braun [Esslingen University]
September 16, 2024: Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik 2024, Berlin.
The reaction of wages to skill shortage in nursing.
Martin Kroczek [IAW]
June 19, 2024: International Pension Workshop in Leiden (NL)
Pension reform effects in light of the changing task composition.
Dr. Natalie Herdegen [IAW] together with Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann [IAW] and Martin Kroczek [IAW]
June 19. 2024: Advisory Board "Senior Living and Care" of the University City of Tübingen
How is the current labor market situation affecting the provision of long-term care (in German)?
Dr. Andreas Koch [IAW]
June 6, 2024: FDZ-RV Annual Meeting 2024 in Berlin
Pension Reform Effects in Times of Technological Change and Shifting Task Composition.
Martin Kroczek [IAW] together with Dr. Natalie Herdegen [IAW] and Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann [IAW]
Martin Biewen, Andos Juhasz
Understanding Rising Income Inequality in Germany, 1999/2000–2005/2006
Review of Income and Wealth, Vol. 58, pp. 62-647.
Uwe Hochmuth,
Günther Klee,
Jürgen Volkert
Der Armutsdiskurs aus ökonomischer Perspektive: Beitrag und Grenzen der neoklassisch-neoliberalen Konzeption
in: Siegfried Müller, Ulrich Otto (Hrsg.), Armut im Sozialstaat. Gesellschaftliche Analysen und sozialpolitische Konsequenzen, Luchterhand Verlag, Neuwied, Kreftel und Berlin 1997, S. 171-209