Foreign trade


March 31, 2022: 23rd Göttingen Workshop "International Economic Relations" at the University of Göttingen

Quantitative Trade, Heterogenous Firms and Welfare.

Dr. Oliver Krebs [ETH Zurich/IAW]

German Firms in International Trade: Evidence from Recent Transaction-level Data.

Matthias Fauth [IAW]


Matthias Fauth, Benjamin Jung, Wilhelm Kohler

German Firms in International Trade: Evidence from Recent Microdata
Journal of Economics and Statistics, July 2023,

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Wilhelm Kohler, Marcel Smolka

Productivity and Firm Boundaries
European Economic Review, vol. 135, June 2021,

Matthias Fauth, Benjamin Jung, Oliver Krebs

The Economic Consequences of the US Tariff War: A Quantitative Perspective
In: J. Klenk, F. Waschek (eds.). Chinas Rolle in einer neuen Weltordnung. Tectum, 2021, 111-138,

Gabriel J. Felbermayr, Wilhelm Kohler, Tobias Brändle, Andreas Koch, u.a. ifo/IAW-Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi), ifo-Forschungsberichte 92/2018
