November 30, - December 1, 2017: T H E Christmas Workshop & Winterschool at the University of Hohenheim
The Program
Winter School: "Automation and Inequality"
Assist.-Prof. David Hémous, PhD, Assistant Professor of Economics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Zurich
Organised by: Tübingen-Hohenheim Economics e.V.
November 30 - December 1st 2017: THE Christmas Workshop 2017 at the University of Hohenheim - Call for Papers
Please send your abstracts or papers for the Workshop until October 27, 2017 via Email to:
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Benjamin Jung (1st Chairman), c/o Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Fg. VWL insb. Außenwirtschaft, Universität Hohenheim, 70593 Stuttgart, Tel. 0711-459-23454,
April 5, 2016 IAW-Jahresversammlung (Annual assembly of the IAW) at the Deutsche Bundesbank, Stuttgart
Annual assembly of the IAW
Award ceremony of the Norbert-Kloten-Prize for Applied Economic Research 2016:
- Dario Cords M.Sc. "Multi-unionism at the Firm Level: A Theoretical Analysis"
Lecture: "The consequences of the refugee migration: What do we know, what do we not know yet?"
- Prof. Dr. Herbert Brücker (IAB, Nürnberg; University of Bamberg)
Panel Discussion
- Prof. Dr. Herbert Brücker (IAB, Nürnberg, University of Bamberg)
- Christian Rauch (Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung der Regionaldirektion Baden-Württemberg der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Stuttgart)
- Peter Heilbrunner (SWR 1 Baden-Württemberg, Leiter Aktuelles) - Moderation
- Dr. Martin Wansleben (Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag e.V. - DIHK), Berlin