Vorträge außerhalb des IAW

4. Dezember 2014: Tübingen Economics Forum, Universität Tübingen

“No one left behind?” - Jugendliche mit Startschwierigkeiten und der Arbeitsmarkt

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann [IAW]

27./28. November 2014: T H E Christmas Workshop University of Hohenheim

Session 1: International Economics
Nicole Meythaler (IAW): Spanish Globalization in the Financial Crisis
Peter Eppinger (IAW und Universität Tübingen): Exploiting the Potential for Services Offshoring: Evidence from German Firms

Session 2: Labor Economics
Lukas Fervers (IAW): Decomposing a Matching Estimation: Correlated Unobserved Non-Random Selection, Substitution and Causal Effects in a Large Scale ALMP Program in Germany

Session 5: Human Capital
Andrea Bellucci PhD (IAW): University Knowledge and Firm Innovation: Evidence from European Countries