18. September 2012: Vortrag im Rahmen des 1.Workshops "Europe’s Global Linkages and the Impact of the Financial Crisis: Policies for Sustainable Trade, Capital Flows, and Migration" im Sino-German Center for Research Promotion, Beijing:
"Changing Forces of Gravity. How the Crisis Affected Cross-Border Banking."
Dr. Katja Neugebauer [IAW]
17. September 2012: SEEK Workshop: The Division of Tasks, Offshoring and the Competiveness of Europe’s Knowledge Economy, ZEW Mannheim:
"Measuring and Classifying Determinants of Offshoring Tasks."
Tobias Brändle
15. September 2012: European Trade Study Group, KU Leuven:
"Measuring and Classifying Determinants of Offshoring Tasks."
Tobias Brändle [IAW]
13. September 2012: Vortrag im Rahmen der ESA European Conference 2012, Universität zu Köln:
"The impact of random help on the dynamics of indirect reciprocity".
Dr. Charlotte Klempt [IAW]
9.-12. September 2012: JAHRESTAGUNG 2012 des VEREINS FÜR SOCIALPOLITIK in Göttingen:
"Collective Bargaining Agreements and Employment Growth."
Tobias Brändle [IAW]
"Self-Employment, Educational Attainment and Employment Protection Legislation."
Tobias Brändle [IAW]
"Turning the Switch: An Evaluation of the Minimum Wage in the German Electrical Trade Using Repeated Natural Experiments."
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann [IAW]
"Borrowing Locally, Operating Globally? Financing and Trading Patterns of Firms during the 2007/2008 Economic Crisis."
Dr. Katja Neugebauer [IAW]
30. August 2012: Vortrag im Rahmen einer Klausurtagung des Ministeriums für Finanzen und Wirtschaft Baden-Württemberg, in Rastatt:
"Konjunkturpolitik auf Bundesländerebene: Das Beispiel Baden-Württemberg."
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann [IAW]
29. August 2012: 66th European Meeting of the Economometric Society (ESEM), Malaga:
"Turning the Switch: An Evaluation of the Minimum Wage in the German Electrical Trade Using Repeated Natural Experiments".
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann [IAW]
22./23. August 2012: Vortrag auf dem Kongress der European Regional Science Association in Bratislava, Slowakei:
"Are Firms in Business Groups More Productive? An empirical analysis based on German micro-level data with a special emphasis on the roles of regional and sectoral diversity."
Dr. Andreas Koch
"The Role of Employees for Post-Entry Firm Growth."
Jochen Späth [IAW]