7.-9. Februar 2024: Scoping-Workshop der Volkswagenstiftung „Gerechtigkeit im Altersübergang“, Hannover
Was sind „gerechte“ Rentenreformen?
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann [IAW]
21.-23. September 2023: EALE 2023 Conference, Prag
The Reaction of Wages to Skill Shortage in Nursing (Poster).
Dr. Andreas Koch und Martin Kroczek [IAW]
21.-22. September 2023: Sozialpolitik für die nächste(n) Generation(en), GLS Campus in Berlin
Lifetime Earnings Inequality and Family Formation of Women in Germany over Time (Poster).
Jan Simon Wiemann [IAW]
30. August 2023: 62nd Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Alicante (Online)
The Reaction of Wages to Skill Shortage in Nursing
Dr. Andreas Koch [IAW]
18. Juli 2023: Statistiktage Bamberg Fürth der Universität Bamberg und des Bayerischen Landesamtes für Statistik
Energiearmut in Deutschland.
Rolf Kleimann und Dr. Natalie Laub [IAW]
Martin Biewen, Miriam Sturm
Why a labour market boom does not necessarily bring down inequality: putting together Germany's inequality puzzle
Fiscal Studies, February 2022, Vol. 43, 121-149, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1475-5890.12294
Martin Biewen, Stefan Glaisner,
Rolf Kleimann
A Convenient Representation of the Wealth Distribution and More Evidence on Homeownership and Wealth Inequality in Euro Area Countries
IZA DP No. 14842, November 2021
Philipp Kugler
The role of wage beliefs in the decision to become a nurse
Wiley Health Economics, First published: 15 October 2021 https://doi.org/10.1002/hec.4442